O alquimista

“Canto para a transmutação dos metais”




Sail de Claustra, Aelis, Azalais

Como vos moveis por entre árvores de luz
Como vossas vozes, sob pinheiros do paraíso
Fazem soar som cristalino
Sail de Claustra, Aelis, Azalais, Raimona, Tibors, Berangèrë,
           Abaixo do escuro fulgor do céu;
Baixo a noite, pavão estrangulado:
Tragam a cobertura de açafrão,
Tragam o ouro vermelho do bordo,
Tragam a luz da bétula no outono,
Mirals, Cembelins, Audiarda,
                                 FAÇAM RECORDAR ESTE FOGO.
Elian, Tireis, Alcmena,
Em meio ao sussurro de prata no trigo,
Agradiva, Anhes, Ardenca,
Do lago em cores de ameixa, em quietude
Do Matiz derretido da água
Tragam o calcinado gênio do fogo,

Briseis, Lianor, Loica

Da Terra em amplidão e da oliva
Dos choupos chorando seus âmbares,
Pela brilhante flama de lanternas de pesca,
                                 FAÇAM RECORDAR ESTE FOGO.
Midonz, com o ouro do sol, a folha do choupo, pela luz do âmbar,
Midonz, filha do sol, seta da árvore, prata da folha,
Luz do amarelo do âmbar,
Midonz, dádiva do deus, dádiva da luz, dádiva do âmbar, do sol,
                                 CONCEDE LUZ AO METAL.
Anhes de Rocacoart, Ardenca, Aemelis,
Do poder da relva,
Do branco, vivo na semente,
Do calor do broto em florescência,
Do cobre da folha no outono,
Do bronze da bétula, da seiva no galho,
Lianor, Ioanna, Loica,
Pelo mover da barbatana,
Pela truta adormecida no verde-cinza da água,

Vana, Mandetta, Viera, Alodetta, Picarda, Manuela

Do fulgor rubro do cobre,
Ysaut, Ydone, leve sussurrar de folhas,
Vierna, Jocelynn, audácia de alegria,
Pelo espelho de cobre calcinado,
                                 Ó, rainha do cipreste
Ao largo do érebo, a largura falsamente plana,
Cujo hálito dilata-se abaixo do mundo:
Ao largo do érebo, ao largo do plano deserto de ar,
Falsamente abaixo do mundo;
Ao largo das castanhas e pardas folhas sem-cor,
                                 TRAGAM O IMPERCEPTÍVEL FRIO

Elain, Tireis, Alcmena

                                 APAZIGÜEM ESTE METAL!
Extraiam os manes de seu terror, extraiam-nos
Seus aquosos corpos com fogo.
Façam-nos assumir os branco-leitosos corpos de ágata.
Façam-nos extrair os ossos do metal.
Selvaggia, Guiscarda, Mandetta,
Chuva de flocos áureos sobre a água
Cerúlea e floculada prata da água,
Alcyon, Phaeton, Alcmena,
Palor de prata, pálido lustro de Latona,
Por isso, da malignidade do orvalho,
Resguarda este alambique.
Elain, Tireis, Allodetta,
                                 SERENEM ESTE METAL.


                                                                    EZRA POUND
“Chant for the Transmutation of Metals”
Saîl of Claustra, Aelis, Azalais,
As you move among the bright trees;
As your voices, under the larches of Paradise
Make a clear sound,
Saîl of Claustra, Aelis, Azalais,
Raimona, Tibors, Berangèrë,
‘Neath the dark gleam of the sky;
Under night, The peacock-throated,
Bring The saffron-coloured shell,
Bring the red gold of the maple,
Bring the light of the birch tree in autumn
Mirals, Cembelins, Audiarda,
                                             Remember this fire.
Elain, Tireis, Alcmena
‘Mid the silver rustling of wheat,
Agradiva, Anhes, Ardenca,
From the plum-coloured lake, in stillness,
From the molten dyes of the water
Bring the burnished nature of fire;
Briseis, Lianor, Loica,
From the wide earth and the olive,
From the poplars Weeping their amber,
By the bright flame of the fishing torch
                                             Remember this fire.
Midonz, with the gold of the sun, the leaf of the poplar,
by the light of the amber,
Midonz, daughter of the sun, shaft of the tree, silver of the leaf, light of the yellow of the amber,
Midonz, gift of the Gold, gift of the light, gift of the amber of the sun,
                                             Give light to the metal.
Anhes of Rocacoart, Ardenca, Aemelis,
From the power of grass,
From the white, alive in the seed,
From the heat of the bud,
From the copper of the leaf in autumn,
From the bronze of the maple, from the sap in the bough;
Lianor, Ioanna, Loica,
By the stir of the fin,
By the trout asleep in the gray-green of water;
Vanna, Mandetta, Viera, Alodetta, Picarda, Manuela
From the red gleam of copper,
Ysaut, Ydone, slight rustling of leaves,
Vierna, Jocelynn, daring of spirits,
By the mirror of burnished copper,
                                             O Queen of  Cypress,
Out of Erebus, the flat-lying breadth,
Breath that is stretched out beneath the world:
Out of Erebus, out of the flat waste of air, lying beneath the world;
Out of the brown leaf-brown colourless
                                             Bring the imperceptible cool.
Elain, Tireis, Alcmena,
                                             Quiet this metal!
Let the manes put off their terror, let them put off their aqueous bodies with fire.
Let them assume the milk-white bodies of agate.
Let them draw together the bones of the metal.
Selvaggia, Guiscarda, Mandetta,
                                             Rain flakes of gold on the water
Azure and flaking silver of water,
Alcyon, Phaetona, Alcmena,
Pallor of silver, pale lustre of Latona,
By these, from the malevolence of the dew
By these, from the malevolence of the dew
                                             Guard this alembic.
Elain, Tireis, Allodetta
                                             Quiet this metal.
(The New Pocket Anthology of American Verse. Washington Square Press : New York)